Tuesday, September 30, 2014

No More Cheese-its...

No cheese-it's allowed in cafiteria what the heck man. Them teachers go to far when a student shoves a cheese-it up their nose and shoots it at a teacher. Really those teachers need to act more mature when there are cheese-it's are being shot at them. Like give that student a lunch deteniton. Don't ruin it for the rest of the kids.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mrs. Debolt and her consoquences...

Mrs. Debolt is giving bogus punishment's I took one selfie on her camera so she would remember me and she flipped out and put it all over the school, which was bogus. I mean she never said we couldn't take selfies how was I supposed to know? Now everybody is laughing at me; but don't worry I'll get her back if she dosn't take the picture down in one day. This is for all the kids who took selfies on her camera.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

When I Broke My Leg...

I remember when I broke my leg. Do some grown ups know how it feels? I don't think they known the pain and frustration of breaking a leg. I could not play kickball, basketball, or sprint during a football game. Some grown ups have the life not knowing what pain is. Those people who just sit on their butts and don't look for a job and suck off of welfare will never know true pain let me tell you that right now. Some people don't understand pain.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hillsbro .Vs. Festus

Festus Tigers are going to demolish, destroy, tear apart, and eat the Hillsbro Hawk's alive tonight at the game. We got our awesome quarterback Justice and we have the other people who will lead us to victory against the Hillsbro Hawks. And their awesome wing Carter Bowman which is me. The stakes are high who will win Festus Tigers or Hillsbro Hawks?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

All About Me...

The Beach Of Awesomness...

When I went to the beach in Pensocola,Flordia it was awesome. I got to go to so many new restraunts that had awesome food. We also went to this Naval history museum that was awesome. Then we spent the rest of our days on the beach. While my Mom was tanning I was surfing the waves and enjoying myself while doing it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


 9-11 Research: The Towers' History
I know that the terrist rammed the airplane into the side of the Empire State Building and the pentagon. They also killed 10's to 1000's of americans who were inside the buildings at the time. The terrist had been there for 2 years learning how to fly the plane so they could do that. When I found out more about it I was so mad at them I hoped for there destruction. That was a dark day for American's everywhere. Stuipid terrists.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

School What is it Good for...

Nothing! School is good for nothing. Like what if I want to be a garbage man when I grow up when am I gonna use irrational numbers, gosh. Now I know why, I need all of school work to get into a good college and start a carrier, but honestly what is it good for otherwise. Unless you will need to know that for a certain job learn it be my guest, but otherwise why.
 Question-Mark | According to Me..

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

If and When I Raise Children...

If I raise children I will teach them discipline and respect. They will also have fun I will teach them how to do play sports. I will give them the proper education. When I raise them it will be in Florida on the beach. I will love my children just the way they are and aren't.
 Sponsor a Child | World Vision