Thursday, October 9, 2014

Should I replace Coach Whitehead?

Should I replace Coach Whitehead as a gym teacher? One reason why is because he is old and he yells a lot. He gave me a lunch detention for singing " My Big Green Tractor". Idk why in the world he would do that, just because I sing better than him doesn't give him the right to write me a lunch detention. Plus I am way louder than him giving me the right to replace him as a gym teacher. Comment whether I should or shouldn't replace Coach Whitehead.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Me And The Monkeys Mission..

Me and the monkey's mission was to bring back bananas to the monkey's of South America, but then things got hairy. We sucsesfully got all the bananas into the truck but then one of the monkey's got greedy and stole the golden banana causing an alarm to go off. He got scared and then shot himself which alerted the authorities. Then we were caught in a car chase, so I drove through a corn field and unloaded the bananas, and told the monkey's to finish the mission. So I sacrificed my self for the well being of the monkey's.

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