Thursday, November 21, 2013

This Weekend

Okay, so this weekend I am doing a ton of stuff. So Friday I am going to the movies and bring my bfe's (best friend/friends ever) with me and their bf's (boyfriends) and i'm probably not gonna bring anyone unless i find a guy to go with or i'm gonna bring my cousin if he can go. we go everywhere together..pretty much. Anyways, then Friday night after I get home, i'm going to my grandma's house and we are going to have some fun with my little sister and possibly little brother if his mom will bring him. Then Saturday, we are going to eat junk food and play GH2 and GH3 (that means Guitar Hero) all day. And then Sunday, we are going to church becuase my grandma goes to church so we have to go with her then go out to eat at Golden Corral or Ponderosa. Well, that's what I will be doing this weekend.

It's a beautiful day...How are you going to spend it?