Should I replace Coach Whitehead as a gym teacher? One reason why is because he is old and he yells a lot. He gave me a lunch detention for singing " My Big Green Tractor". Idk why in the world he would do that, just because I sing better than him doesn't give him the right to write me a lunch detention. Plus I am way louder than him giving me the right to replace him as a gym teacher. Comment whether I should or shouldn't replace Coach Whitehead.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Me And The Monkeys Mission..
Me and the monkey's mission was to bring back bananas to the monkey's of South America, but then things got hairy. We sucsesfully got all the bananas into the truck but then one of the monkey's got greedy and stole the golden banana causing an alarm to go off. He got scared and then shot himself which alerted the authorities. Then we were caught in a car chase, so I drove through a corn field and unloaded the bananas, and told the monkey's to finish the mission. So I sacrificed my self for the well being of the monkey's.
Monkey See, Monkey Do! | Smart Shop It |
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
No More Cheese-its...
No cheese-it's allowed in cafiteria what the heck man. Them teachers go to far when a student shoves a cheese-it up their nose and shoots it at a teacher. Really those teachers need to act more mature when there are cheese-it's are being shot at them. Like give that student a lunch deteniton. Don't ruin it for the rest of the kids.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Mrs. Debolt and her consoquences...
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
When I Broke My Leg...
I remember when I broke my leg. Do some grown ups know how it feels? I don't think they known the pain and frustration of breaking a leg. I could not play kickball, basketball, or sprint during a football game. Some grown ups have the life not knowing what pain is. Those people who just sit on their butts and don't look for a job and suck off of welfare will never know true pain let me tell you that right now. Some people don't understand pain.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Hillsbro .Vs. Festus
Festus Tigers are going to demolish, destroy, tear apart, and eat the Hillsbro Hawk's alive tonight at the game. We got our awesome quarterback Justice and we have the other people who will lead us to victory against the Hillsbro Hawks. And their awesome wing Carter Bowman which is me. The stakes are high who will win Festus Tigers or Hillsbro Hawks?
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
The Beach Of Awesomness...
When I went to the beach in Pensocola,Flordia it was awesome. I got to go to so many new restraunts that had awesome food. We also went to this Naval history museum that was awesome. Then we spent the rest of our days on the beach. While my Mom was tanning I was surfing the waves and enjoying myself while doing it.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
9-11 Research: The Towers' History |
Thursday, September 4, 2014
School What is it Good for...
Nothing! School is good for nothing. Like what if I want to be a garbage man when I grow up when am I gonna use irrational numbers, gosh. Now I know why, I need all of school work to get into a good college and start a carrier, but honestly what is it good for otherwise. Unless you will need to know that for a certain job learn it be my guest, but otherwise why.
Question-Mark | According to Me.. |
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
If and When I Raise Children...
If I raise children I will teach them discipline and respect. They will also have fun I will teach them how to do play sports. I will give them the proper education. When I raise them it will be in Florida on the beach. I will love my children just the way they are and aren't.
Sponsor a Child | World Vision |
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Weekend Plans
Choosing a Bed: Dos & Don’ts |
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
The School Year is almost over!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
My weekend
My weekend is gonna be fun!!! I'm gonna be making plans of summer with my mom of we are gonna do which is go to the beach, Water park and theme park in Wisconsin, Six flags and much more. Then on Saturday im going to see my friends and go to a barbecue with them and probably swim if its not to cold. They have a pretty big pool but the advantage to that is they like to all of a sudden push me in the cold water.. Its ok I always get them back.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
For me I love music alot more than other people do...I could listen to music for hours while reading my book and never get bored. I always make sure to bring my phone and headphones with me when i'm in a car ride or walking. But I don't just listen to all music because I am pretty picky of what I listen to. I can listen to dubstep or pop music but not really country. My mom is the total oppisite.. when i'm in the car with her she will literally turn on country so loud that even when i'm listening to my music I can hear her over it singing it.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Davis4 My movie recut trailer
My movie recut trailer is edited from Edward Scissorhands of being nice and sweet who has never been finished being made by his master who later died. He is half man and half iron all mixed together. HE discovers a woman who ends up falling in love with him.But thats what my movie recut is about. I took insidious's red faced demon to make Edward Scissorhands to evil. He was rejected by the woman he loved and later hid where known one could ever expect him to be. He had decided there will not be any happy cupples around him. It amuses him to see them being taken away from eachother instead of being side by side.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thursday, April 24, 2014
My weekend
Friday i'm gonna go see a movies with my brother to see whatever he decides to see.Its gonna be pretty cool to spend sometime with him since we haven't really got to. Saturday i'm going to stay the night with my friend and walk her new puppy she just got. Shes a pit bull but I don't know her name yet because my friend never told me. I can't wait for my weekend to start but I just can't believe schools gonna be over soon.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
I really do hate Wednesdays because I feel like its the worst day of the week.Something bad always happens or i'm just really tired.And its just that moment when you think you look really cute but you end up going to school looking like a tornado just flew around your head.And sometimes you just sleep in a little wake up and you find out its almost eight. Especially if you have animals and they can sometimes be really rowdy in the mornings.Its like you feel like y
ou have time for something but you actually really don't.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
The coffee maker
My coffee maker is pretty cool...And its not just a coffee maker its also a Tea, Hot chocolate coffee maker to. I really love the Coffee maker we have because the other kind of coffee makers are really cheap and don't make really good coffee. And you also don't have to waste a whole thing of coffee because no one else wants to drink any with you.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The weather
The weather needs to please change to a warmer weather instead all wet and coldness that keeps on making me get sick. I just don't get how one day it could feel like a desert outside and then the next day it feels like the first day of winter. I want to be prepared for the weather instead not being able to wear a small jacket that could be fine not a giant coat. I really thought it was spring even if it is I know for sure that I saw snow on the ground this morning.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
My weekend
My weekend is gonna be pretty interesting because Friday I get to see one of my close friends I haven't seen in forever. Saturday going to my moms friends daughters birthday party except ( shes a little young) but I guess i'm cool with it. And Sunday I get to go see my sister Amberlyn who I haven't got to see for a lot of reasons. So I think my weekend will turn out good but then Monday seems to appear back up!!!

Monday, March 17, 2014
I really like the movie called "Pride" its a great movie but this is the first time I've ever watched watched this movie. Its about where a man named Jim Ellis used to swim for four years but ends up getting into a fight because the blacks and whites didn't like to be around each other. After years later he decided to look for a job but couldn't find one. But he finally ended up going to an old school to clean it up because the city wanted to shut it down. But a man named Elston didn't agree with that because that was where he lived. Then Jim came across an old pool and decided to clean and set it up. The REC center ended up taking down the rims from the basketball court and there were a group of boys that needed something to do. Jim let them swim in the pool he cleaned up and they ended up becoming a team. They had Jim be they're coach and Elston to. When they went to they're meet up everybody was surprised because they were black. That really made me mad because they were being so rude.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
What is the worst thing a parent could do to their children?
The worst thing a parent could do to their child would to physically harm them.They cant just sit there and do that for know reason at all. I understand that there is certain kind of parents that believes in doing that because their children is disobeying they're orders or was being really irresponsible. But there other types of parents who does it for fun.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Cats are sometime a little mean but you will get used to it. I have two cats one name is Zena and then there is Snowflake. They both are just kittens but they can bite... But they only do it just to be playful not to be harmful.I really love them and I know they love me back. They get really crazy sometimes especially when they have catnip. I have know idea why my mom gives that to them. They really enjoy company coming over which is my friends and they also go crazy over that to.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
About QR Codes
An QR code is a symbol picture that represents an website or video.They can be used by for an example if you had a certain app that reads QR codes then it would open the website or video its representing.I have learned that it is kinda cool working with QR codes because its faster to get to the website or video. I like QR codes because they are way easier to work with and read with an app or whatever you have to read them.
picture from here |
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