Monday, March 17, 2014


I really like the movie called "Pride" its a great movie but this is the first time I've ever watched watched this movie. Its about where a man named Jim Ellis used to swim for four years but ends up getting into a fight because the blacks and whites didn't like to be around each other. After years later he decided to look for a job but couldn't  find one. But he finally ended up going to an old school to clean it up because the city wanted to shut it down. But a man named Elston didn't agree with that because that was where he lived. Then Jim came across an old pool and decided to clean and set it up. The REC center ended up taking down the rims from the basketball court  and there were a group of boys that needed something to do. Jim let them swim in the pool he cleaned up and they ended up becoming a team. They had Jim be they're coach and Elston to. When they went to they're meet up everybody was surprised because they were black. That really made me mad because they were being so rude.