Thursday, January 31, 2013

My 13th Birthday

I'm so excited because my birthday is coming up in bout two weeks. I'm going to have a family party and I'm       
going to have a friend party. with my family party my mom is going to get a cake from SAM'S. ( I love their icing!) Also, we're going to invite my my dad's brother and his wife and kids, my dad's parents, and my dad's aunt and her husband, my mom's parents, and my mom's youngest sister and her boyfriend. Then on my friend party we're going to invite five of my friends. We're going to have so much fun!

Picture from Here

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Bottled Up Memory

The memory that I would bottle up would when my sister was born and I saw her for the first time. When it comes to how many times I would open this memory would be when I would get really mad at my sister. I would open it and watch her be born all over again.

The date was October 2, 2003. I was at my grandma's house for the day while my mom was at a meeting at the doctor's office about my baby sister. My mom decided that she was sick and tired of having to be poked with needles, and the doctor said that she could have the baby. My mom called my grandma's house after she arrived to the hospital and said that she was ready to have the baby. while we were waiting for the right time we were having last second thoughts on baby names. I said I really liked the name Lily and my mom liked it too, but my dad wanted Liliana. We decided on Liliana Rose Knickman but we would call her Lily for short. That's the memory that I would bottle up.

Picture From Here

Thursday, January 24, 2013

NJHS Interviews

Today after school I'm supposed to go to an NJHS interview. I'm extremely nervous because I'm afraid I'm going to seriously bomb the interview. I'm nervous because sometimes I can get shy when it's just me and other adults in the room asking me questions about myself. Sometimes I'll have to think long and hard about the most simple questions they ask me like when my grandparents always ask " How's school going?" A very nice teacher, Mrs. DeBolt, just reassured me and told me not to be nervous and that I was going to do great. Thanks Mrs DeBolt!

Picture From Here

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

MLK Day Vs. Veteran's Day

I think that if the district thinks it's important to be at school on Veteran's Day and learn about the veterans than we should be at school on Martin Luther King Jr. Day because Martin Luther King Jr. was just as important as the veterans of the United States. Veterans fought for our country risking their lives for our freedom, but Martin Luther King Jr. also did great things like fought for other peoples rights at his own risk.

Picture From Here

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Fungus That Kills Bats

There is a fungus called White- Nosed syndrome, and it's affecting hibernating bats the most. So far, the fungus has killed millions of bats eastern U.S. Scientists have found the fungus in a 390 mile long cave ( Kentucky's Mammoth Cave National Park.) The cave has been closed for closed to the public for close to 100 years, but they are allowing it to stay open. They are making careful precautions in order to make tourists safe. This syndrome is causing these bats to behave awkwardly. All we can do is hope for the best and pray for these bats.

Picture and Article from Here

The First Time I Watched Gone With The Wind

The first time I watched Gone with the Wind was on Sunday and I loved it! My favorite character was probably Melanie because even though Scarlet did some mean things, she still was nice to her and made everyone else be nice to her too. My least favorite part of the movie was when Scarlet went home from Atlanta with Melanie and her baby and found out that her mother had died and her dad had become a lunatic.

Picture Here

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Business Letter

Emma Knickman
1106 2nd St.
Miami, FL 12345

January 10, 2013

Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

 Dear Mrs. DeBolt:

Hi! My name is Emma Knickman. I thought it would be nice if we got to know each other. My top favorite colors are lime green, sky blue, and light pink. My favorite food is probably my mom's chicken topped with sauteed peppers and onions topped with provolone cheese.

Some hobbies I like to do are to read, cook, and play sports. My favorite book series is probably the Paranormalcy series. I really like to make homemade cookies around the holidays. My favorite sport to play is volleyball, and my favorite sports to watch are football and baseball.
I don't have very much experience with computers except to go to Microsoft Word. Since I don't have very much experience with computers i don't really have a favorite thing to do on computers. Something I would really like to learn about computers would be to be able to make a Power Point. Also, I would like to learn how to be able to have all the animations on my Power Point.


Emma Knickman

The Girl in the Mirror

The girl in the mirror looked at herself questionably. She wondered if she was pretty in that dress. She wondered if she was as perfect as everyone thought she was. Could she really be beautiful? 

Everyone is different in there own way. No one has the same fingerprints as you. When you were born, your mold was broken. You were the start of your life... just like you are special.

Picture from here

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My AR Goal for 3rd Quarter

Just a few days age I took the star reading test for 3rd quarter. My 2nd quarter reading level was 11.8, and my goal was 24.5 points but I made it to 100 points. This quarter when I took the star reading test, however I went down to a 9.5 reading level with a goal of 24.5 points. My teacher though, Ms. Page, thought that I had a way higher reading level than that and put me back up to an 11.8 reading level with 100 points as my goal since I'm already at 50 points for the quarter.

Picture from here

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


My name is Emma Knickman. I'm taking over this blog for 3rd quater.

Picture from here!