Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Bottled Up Memory

The memory that I would bottle up would when my sister was born and I saw her for the first time. When it comes to how many times I would open this memory would be when I would get really mad at my sister. I would open it and watch her be born all over again.

The date was October 2, 2003. I was at my grandma's house for the day while my mom was at a meeting at the doctor's office about my baby sister. My mom decided that she was sick and tired of having to be poked with needles, and the doctor said that she could have the baby. My mom called my grandma's house after she arrived to the hospital and said that she was ready to have the baby. while we were waiting for the right time we were having last second thoughts on baby names. I said I really liked the name Lily and my mom liked it too, but my dad wanted Liliana. We decided on Liliana Rose Knickman but we would call her Lily for short. That's the memory that I would bottle up.

Picture From Here