Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Business Letter

Emma Knickman
1106 2nd St.
Miami, FL 12345

January 10, 2013

Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

 Dear Mrs. DeBolt:

Hi! My name is Emma Knickman. I thought it would be nice if we got to know each other. My top favorite colors are lime green, sky blue, and light pink. My favorite food is probably my mom's chicken topped with sauteed peppers and onions topped with provolone cheese.

Some hobbies I like to do are to read, cook, and play sports. My favorite book series is probably the Paranormalcy series. I really like to make homemade cookies around the holidays. My favorite sport to play is volleyball, and my favorite sports to watch are football and baseball.
I don't have very much experience with computers except to go to Microsoft Word. Since I don't have very much experience with computers i don't really have a favorite thing to do on computers. Something I would really like to learn about computers would be to be able to make a Power Point. Also, I would like to learn how to be able to have all the animations on my Power Point.


Emma Knickman