Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Door That Leads To Narnia

I found myself in front of seven identical doors. A voice from above tells me: "These seven doors lead to seven places: Narnia, Neverland, Wonderland, Hogwarts, Camelot, Middle Earth, and Westeros."
I was very confused and surprised at the same time. I thought it would be cool to go into each one to see what they were all like, but one really stood out for me. 

I chose to go to Narnia because I don't go to church and i thought it would be nice to get more of an understanding of God.

When I walked through that door I was terrified. I was afraid I was going to die right then and there. I was going to die just because I made the stupid mistake to wonder off in the middle of the night. My mother warned me that these parts of the woods were very special and that I should stay close to the cabin, but I was so curious...

Picture From Here