Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Story With Monsters

Okay, so i was walking home from school when i heard a loud screaming girl voice coming from this old, rusty-looking house behind me. When i turned around, i saw a big 20 foot tall monster standing in the window staring at me. I wasn't really scared at first because i thought it was my imagination playing me because i was already having a bad day that day. Anyways, what i did was kept on walking when i heard the monster screaming beastly... it was louder than before. So...i turned around and it was running after me. Well, i finally got home and when i did. it wasn't there outside my house. So, later that night, i slowly got up to see if he was out there and he wasn't. I was relieved. Then, i tried to go to bed...and i heard something under my bed...so i looked under my bed and the monster/beastly thingy screamed!!
